Friday, December 23, 2022

How to Draw Spanish Flag Easy & Step by Step 🇪🇸 Spanish Flag Drawing Easy 🇪🇸 How to Draw Spain Flag

You will know how to draw Spanish flag easy and step by step. Also learn Spanish flag drawing step by step easy process. If you are Hispanic, you must learn how to draw Spanish empire flag. So what are you waiting for?

"The Flag of Spain is made up of three horizontal stripes, red, yellow, and red, the yellow one being twice as wide as each of the red ones", 
In addition, the national flag is regulated by:

Law 39/1981, of October 28, regulates the use of the Spanish flag and that of other flags and banners (BOE no. 271, of November 12 )

Royal Decree 441/1981, of February 27, which technically specifies the colors of the Spanish Flag (BOE No. 64, of March 16)

Royal Decree 1511/1977, of January 21, which approves the Regulation of Flags and Banners, Scripts, Insignia and Badges (BOE no. 156, of July 1, 1977)

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🏳️‍🌈 Dibujar la bandera de españa
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Historical background
The origin of the current Flag of Spain dates back to the reign of Carlos III (1759-1788). At that time, three types of flags coexisted in Spain: the royal standard, the military flag, and the Navy flag. Most countries used flags in which the color white predominated, which caused identification problems and confusion at sea among warships. To avoid this, Carlos III commissioned his Minister of the Navy, Antonio Valdés y Bazán, with a project to replace the naval flag.

Among the twelve sketches submitted to the contest, the King chose two, to which he varied the dimensions of the stripes, declaring the first for the Navy and the second for the Merchant Navy to be legal, by Royal Decree of May 28, 1785.

In the reign of Carlos IV (1788-1808), the General Ordinances of the Naval Navy of March 8, 1793, extend the use of the red flag to maritime plazas, castles, and coastal defenses and define it as the Royal Flag.

During the War of Independence (1808-1814) there was a phenomenon of the proliferation of non-regulatory flags. Some sailors went on to serve in land campaigns and, for the first time, bicolor banners are seen in the interior of Spain.

Subsequently, the Instruction on insignia, flags, honors, and salutes of the Navy, of March 13, 1867, returns to describe the flag of ships, arsenals, and maritime places in an explicit way.

During the reign of Alfonso XII (1874-1885), an Instruction was promulgated, dated December 10, 1878, on insignia, flags, honors, and maritime salutes, in whose first article the national flag is defined in the same terms as in the aforementioned Instruction of 1867.

In the Second Republic (1931-1939), during the Provisional Government, on April 27, 1931, a decree was promulgated that determined the adoption of the national tricolor flag made up of "three horizontal bands of equal width, the red being the upper one; yellow the central one and dark purple the lower one".

Shortly after the start of the Civil War (1936-1939), the flag was reestablished among the rebel troops. When the Uprising broke out (July 18, 1936), different flags proliferated among said troops. To avoid this, the president of the National Defense Board, General Cabanellas, signed a Decree on August 29, 1936, by which the traditional flag was recovered. In his unique article, he says: "The two-color flag, red and gold, is restored as the flag of Spain."

A few years later, during the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco (1939-1975), the Decree of October 11, 1945, approved the New Regulation of Insignia, Flags and Distinctives that regulates their use and form, and details the characteristics of the Flag. National in its three modalities, of units of the Armed Forces, warships, and buildings.

The shield
The current Shield of Spain summarizes a large part of the country's history. The elements that compose it have a long tradition of more than nine centuries.

Royal Decree 2964/1981, of December 18, by which the official model of the Coat of Arms of Spain is made public (BOE no. 221, of September 15)

Royal Decree 2267/1982, of September 3, by which the colors of the coat of arms of Spain are technically specified (BOE no. 221, of September 15)



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