Friday, November 22, 2024

How to Draw Pigeon Colour | Pigeon Drawing for Kids | Pigeon Drawing

Today's topic is pigeon drawing or how to draw pigeon colour for kids easy way. Watch this pigeon drawing video and learn the pigeon drawing colour easy method. Pigeon drawing for practical is urgent. So pigeon drawing with pencil colour needed. Pigeon drawing step by step hardly with colour
is a very easy way and thus how to draw pigeons easy trick.


Step 1:

First, you have to draw a circle as the head

Step 2:

After that, you can draw a very small beak

Step 3:

After that, you can draw the neck of the pigeon

Step 4:

After that, you can draw an oval shape for the body

Step 5:

You are drawing the wings of the pigeon

Step 6:

Draw curved lines connecting the head to the body

Step 7:

Draw the tail of the pigeon

Step 8:

And don't forget to draw the eyes of the pigeon

Step 9:

After that, you can draw some jagged lines on the pigeon

Step 10:

After that, you can draw the legs

Step 11:

Finally, don't forget to color to complete the picture



#birddrawing #birddrawingstepbystep #drawing #howtodraw #howtodraweasy #drawingforbeginners

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